Lincolnshire County Council

NE Consult were engaged by Lincolnshire County Council in October 2013 as strategic lead on the project to re-tender a property services contract to manage and maintain the Council’s diverse property portfolio. The contract will be worth between £60 and £90 million pounds over the next 10-years and is part of the Future Delivery of…

Concept Building Services

Concept Building Services is a rapidly growing SME building services company that manages the delivery of a wide range of infrastructure solutions world-wide, from simple pipe repairs to full-scale building construction. NE Consult has worked with Concept since 2018 providing commercial and contractual advice and training to support their projects in the U.K. and around…


NE Consult was appointed by Defra to support them in commercial negotiations on key aspects of a 15 year, £500 million to £900 million per year sustainable built environment and workplace support services contract that covers Defra’s estate throughout England and Wales. The contract covers 186 sites and involves three category 4 laboratories, 39 category…

DFP Property Management Contract

NE Consult were appointed by the Department of Finance and Personnel to advise on the procurement of a contractor(s) to provide a comprehensive property management service undertaking planned preventative maintenance, reactive maintenance, and minor new works. The property management pan government collaborative framework agreement covers over 2,000 government properties across Northern Ireland and has been…


Magnox are responsible for the safe and secure clean-up of 12 nuclear sites and operation of one hydro-electric plant. They have around 300 live contracts being delivered using the NEC suite with approximately £500m of projects procured using the Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC), and around £200m on the Term Service Contract (TSC). Following the…

Springfields Fuels

Springfields Fuels are located near Preston in Lancashire, they employ around 900 people at the Springfields site which has operated since 1946 and processes several thousand tons of uranium a year and manufactures fuel for nuclear reactors worldwide. Most of the fuel requirements for the U.K.’s nuclear power stations are met by Springfields and around…